INAP and feed problems

April 29, 2007 by aaron
If you use INAP and have noticed oddness with your full-text feeds lately, it may have been caused by INAP. Users that had the “custom options” selected would have their feeds trimmed as if it were a post. INAP 2.4.3 fixes this. In other news, INAP is in the process of a major overhaul including a complete rewrite of most of its antiquated structure. When this process is complete it
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Is Google Analytics Worth it?

April 28, 2007 by aaron
I keep stats though several different methods. Each page and post records its total pageviews, my server keeps its logs, and I use Google Analytics as a backup. Now according to Google Analytics the most popular page on my site has had 13,000 views over a specific time period; however, the page view the page keeps itself recorded over 20,500 in this same time period and the server logs seem to agree.
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Victory over GMail–Inline Images.

April 25, 2007 by aaron
I’ve wanted to be able to add images to my emails inline (one that appears with the text, not as a separate attachment) for a long time, and today, thanks to WordPress I finally figured out how to do it. Open GMail, go to compose mail, select the “Rich Formatting” if it isn’t your default. Open your WordPress Admin Panel, go to a new post, select the Visual Editor (you may have to turn it on under your user preferences) Write your email in the WordPress Visual Editor, and embed the image into the new post (or just embed the image).
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INAP listed on Mashable

April 22, 2007 by aaron
Inline Ajax Page was listed on Mashable as one of “30 good [AJAX wordpress plugins].” While I’m thankful for the publicity (it seems half the internet is scraping Mashable’s feed which resulted in a huge Technorati boost), as always, it was described as “Allow[ing] readers to see a snippet of a post, click a button and the remainder will appear without going to another page.” I almost cried. That description fits only the 1.0 version of INAP that was released over a year ago–now it does so much more than that that it is almost like saying Google is just a search engine.
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If Windows and Linux had a love child it would be:

April 19, 2007 by aaron
Winux? No, React OS. ReactOS is a free and open-sourced operating system based on the Windows architecture, providing support for existing applications and drivers, and an alternative to the current dominant consumer operating system. ReactOS is a replacement for Windows users. The raison-d’etre of ReactOS is the simple fact that some people, or especially companies, will -never- switch to Linux. No matter how much Linux gets better, or is better, it is not an option for them…With ReactOS, all those worries vanish.
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INAP bugfix.

April 15, 2007 by aaron
If you are having trouble with INAP on IE the main download has been updated to version 2.4.1 and the fix and description can be found here.