Tag Archives: Resources

Evaluation of the statement that “It All Comes Down to Economics”.

April 7, 2006 by aaron

Before one can evaluate the theory itself one must first define economics. Therefore, economics — in its most basic sense — can be defined as the procurement of resources. The statement “It All Comes Down to Economics” reflects this basic sense of the term, but in doing so it raises economics from a means-to-an-end to the driving force. It also declares that all human conflicts and connections are based on the procurement and dissemination of resources. However, the human drive for resources, as with all creatures, is based on the need to successfully reproduce. This drive is what economics is based on, therefore while it does all come down to economics a better phrase may be “it all comes down to sex”. Technicalities aside all cultures and communities depend on economics to survive, if you take economics to be the gathering or reduction of resources. However if you consider economics to be trade, then only large societies have a need for economics on any large scale.

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Evaluation of the statement that “It All Comes Down to Economics”.

April 7, 2006 by aaron

Before one can evaluate the theory itself one must first define economics. Therefore, economics — in its most basic sense — can be defined as the procurement of resources. The statement “It All Comes Down to Economics” reflects this basic sense of the term, but in doing so it raises economics from a means-to-an-end to the driving force. It also declares that all human conflicts and connections are based on the procurement and dissemination of resources. However, the human drive for resources, as with all creatures, is based on the need to successfully reproduce. This drive is what economics is based on, therefore while it does all come down to economics a better phrase may be “it all comes down to sex”. Technicalities aside all cultures and communities depend on economics to survive, if you take economics to be the gathering or reduction of resources. However if you consider economics to be trade, then only large societies have a need for economics on any large scale.

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