Starting next week: Literature Thursdays

April 1, 2008 by aaron

Wow, I just felt a stampede of people from Digg over that one, guess I’ll be able to retire soon.

Nah, I wish. Actually I expect that my readership will drop a little bit every Thursday, but for the rest of you, I hope you will enjoy a delightful change of pace — even if every post doesn’t enthrall you in its grasp.

We will be floating around romantic and enlightenment literature from both sides of the Atlantic with stops at Whitman, Poe, Wordsworth, Byron and more. Our travels will range from light and airy to dark and dirty, from high mountains to plains of daisies, and we will talk about birds, cats, compost, and old men.

Our first stop, next Thursday, will be a hopeful view of the cause of so much grief as we examine Whitman and his responses to death. Don’t worry. Something happy will appear soon after. 🙂

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