Show or Hide Until

April 15, 2006 by aaron

This plugin provides a BBcode that hides or shows text depending on the date. If you are using the rich text (not WYSIWYG) editor you will be provided with two simple buttons that will insert the BBcode into your post.

The bbcode looks like: ‘[hide_until=”Year-Month-Day Hour:Minute:Second”.]Some text here[\hide_until]” or ‘[show_until=”Year-Month-Day Hour:Minute:Second”.]Some text here[\show_until]”.

A couple notes:

  • The time stamp format is very important. There must be hyphens (-) between the Year, Month and Day, a space, and then colons (:) between the hour, minute and second. You can leave the hour, minutes and seconds blank if you wish, but the rest should be filled in.
  • The text can be on multiple lines.
  • One known issue is that you can’t wrap multiple [hide_until]’s or [show_until]’s inside of each other. But you can use a [show_until] inside of a [hide_until] or vise versa
  • This plugin was created, tested and uploaded in the same day; consider it Beta (not in the google sense of the word.) Installation:
  1. Upload to your plugins folder.
  2. Activate in the WP admin panel.

Some possible uses:

  1. Announce the results of a contest in the original post.
  2. Update the instructions for a plugin before you release it without having to re-edit the post later.
  3. Change the content of a time sensitive post.
  4. Write a post all at once, and then have the content released in parts without a lot of different posts.
  5. Write a post series with the future post option, and have links in all of the posts to the entire series without having dead links before future parts are released or have to edit posts later.
  6. Use the future post to add a new plugin and have the old post point to it at the right time.
  7. Easter eggs in your posts for early/late readers.
  8. A warning system for older posts

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