Looking for locksmith; will pay 550 thousand dollars.

April 7, 2008 by aaron
I was going to help this poor man, but “offortunitely,” I don’t have a hammer. Maybe you can? Dear Sir, This is john kamara from Liberia West Africa. I am the only son of my father. My late father was the managing director of gold and diamond company in my country. And he use his position then to make away for me and my only mother. Right now. I am in Ghana and I came dawn with a consignment worth 5.5million dollars.
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Separation of the individual in Hawthorn’s writing

April 6, 2008 by aaron
Through the short stories “The Man of Adamant”, “The Birthmark” and “The Minister’s Black Veil”, Hawthorne’s presents three ways that people control the external forces — society, nature, and the public self — that affect the internal self and illustrates the totality of an individual’s attempt to place themselves above or beyond the reach of others, but in doing so, it warns that the individual also separates themselves from the intrinsic parts of being human.
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Testing Windows Live Writer

April 4, 2008 by aaron
First test: fail. it left the “temporary” post on the page.   Bad windows live, and here I went and gave you a chance after the Linux blogging tools failed me.   Bah, and here I thought I might actually get a case of OS-envy. Nope, not this time.

Cheap proprietary software still costs too much.

April 2, 2008 by aaron
The following is part of an open letter I wrote to an university committee that was surveying students and faculty on the feasibility and desirability of providing discounts to students for popular and expensive software packages. This discount would have been provided by basically sharing the cost among all students by purchasing a large number of licenses and then reselling them at a lower price to interested students. Obviously, I thought there was a better alternative.
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A new offering from Google Apps: Google Sites

April 29, 2008 by aaron
The following announcement landed in my in-box today: Today, we’re excited to announce the introduction of Google Sites as part of Google Apps. Google Sites makes creating a team web site as easy as editing a document. You can quickly gather a variety of information in one place — including videos, calendars, presentations, attachments, and gadgets — and easily share it for viewing or editing with a small group, your entire organization, or the world.
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Character analysis of Emma and Mrs. Elton

April 28, 2008 by aaron
In Emma ((Page Numbers are for the Riverside Edition edited by Lionel Trilling)), Jane Austen presents characters who are uniquely human: each has their own rich personality and storied background. Through these characters, Austen is able to intimately explore the human condition, as she saw it, and highlight some of the issues of society and class in her world. To achieve this, Austen creates a world into which a reader can insert themselves through the gossip and unique perspective that the narrator and Emma provides; the reader’s perspective is not that of an all-seeing observer, but almost a character in its own right who may judge the characters as an equal participant and member of the community.
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