Evaluation of the statement that “It All Comes Down to Economics”.

April 7, 2006 by aaron

Before one can evaluate the theory itself one must first define economics. Therefore, economics — in its most basic sense — can be defined as the procurement of resources. The statement “It All Comes Down to Economics” reflects this basic sense of the term, but in doing so it raises economics from a means-to-an-end to the driving force. It also declares that all human conflicts and connections are based on the procurement and dissemination of resources. However, the human drive for resources, as with all creatures, is based on the need to successfully reproduce. This drive is what economics is based on, therefore while it does all come down to economics a better phrase may be “it all comes down to sex”. Technicalities aside all cultures and communities depend on economics to survive, if you take economics to be the gathering or reduction of resources. However if you consider economics to be trade, then only large societies have a need for economics on any large scale.

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Creating a World- An Introduction and The Goals

April 3, 2006 by aaron

I have always wanted to write a book. Not just any book; a good one. One that creates an entire universe and populates it; maybe not even a single book, maybe a whole series. Anyway, that’s not why this whole section is here. Instead this section will create a universe. As a basic foundation it will be similar to any Fantasy book or movie you have read. There will be Elves, Dwarfs, Goblins and Dragons. Instead of creating a world defined by the genre and within a tired cliche, I will try to breath new life into the old themes; in such a way that the universe I create is unique while still be familiar and accessible.

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Updates Coming…

April 3, 2006 by aaron
In about 2 hours the first post in the Creating a World series will appear. I hope to follow up this first post with a new topic weekly. So if I update like I want, every Monday will mean a new Creating a World entry and every Friday will be a new Paper or Thought, with other updates as they come.

Sidebar Calculator Widget

April 28, 2006 by aaron
This widget is a fully functional non-scientific calculator created entirely out of javascript, absolutely positioned divs and a nice background image. However, as nice as it is there are a few problems with it. Firstly, because I wanted it to be like a real calculator and display only what you are currently typing (as opposed to displaying the entire equation) it can –albeit rarely — just mess up. I tried a lot of combinations but I haven’t found any new bugs; however, I’m sure there are some left over.
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Google Adsense Widget

April 27, 2006 by aaron
After 24 grueling hours slaving over a hot computer, I have completed the Max Adsense widget to make the process of adding ads easier than counting all the money you’re sure to reap. The widget is made is such a way that everything you can do in the Google Adsense control panel (except anything that requires being saved such as saving channels, pallets etc.) is built directly into the widget. It evens has a wonderful (if I do say so myself) color picker to make it even easier to design your ads and alows up to 4 widgets*.
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Feeling a little widgety…

April 26, 2006 by aaron
The more I do the more ideas I come up with. This site/blog (Oh my God, I used the blog word; that’s it I’m leaving) is going to be propelled into the next millennium. I have so many ideas it isn’t funny. Another new section I added is called “WordPress.” For those that haven’t had their coffee this morning, afternoon, or evening it will focus mainly on adding and modifying wordpress the lovable software I have converted to.