Is the US Winning The War On Terrorism?

April 11, 2006 by aaron
It seems obvious to me that the USA is losing the war on terrorism because, as much as governments may like to think so, you can’t wage a winning war on ideas that spread like a disease. Conducting a shooting war on terrorism is about absurd as randomly chopping off limbs to cure a tooth ache or carpet bombing the north pole to kill Santa Claus. As an aside even more amusing is when people talk about a “War on Terror”.
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April 10, 2006 by aaron
It turns out my full backup was corrupt. So if you have ANYTHING that was posted after mid-august please send it to me (including comments) at: admin [at] anthologyoi [dot] com. I will be extremely appreciative and may reward you. That being said. I’m going to take a little break from normal written updates (to get over completely losing 4 extremely long papers that weren’t even published yet) and I am going to do a little tweaking of the site structure.
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Beyond The Socialist Dream, A Money-less Society Part II

April 5, 2006 by aaron
In part one I suggested a merit based system; this idea is complete and utter hogwash. It is not a money-less society; it is a tiger who tried to change its stripes. The problem with a money-less society is that you need away to control resources and reward those that do best without playing favorites. Here we should diverge from the topic at hand and take a look at the options.
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Beyond The Socialist Dream, A Money-less Society Part I

April 5, 2006 by aaron
One of the goals of socialists is an economy in which all participants are equal and goods are available to all regardless of family, wealth or occupation. The ultimate goal of such an economy is an entirely money less society in which goods are free for all. Unfortunately a a system such as this is not possible when goods and resources are finite and where some occupations are harder to train for and others are physically harder.
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Causes and Effects of the Popularization of Christianity in the Roman Empire.

April 5, 2006 by aaron
The spread of early Christianity in throughout the Roman empire was based on what it wasn’t rather than what it was. At the time Christianity began spreading through the Roman Empire, religion had fractured into the main Roman religion which was comprised of the Parthenon of Roman Gods and mystery cults. The mystery cults were based on myths that focused on the cycle of death and renewal and promised a better afterlife.
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Super Category (multi-blog) plugin with no hacks

April 2, 2006 by aaron
This is an old buggy version. Please use the newest. NOTE: I believe the only part that is missing is where it says to follow the instructions in the Up and Running section. In this section it basically said to make a group of links or categories belong to only one site add them to a category with the same name as the url (eg site: would have all its links under the category).
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