Just a few little tips for WordPress: If you don’t want the titles of posts to have the » character before them for SEO purposes just use: < ?php echo trim(wp_title('»',false), '» ');?> I was sick of my index.php being used to display pages, so I added the following to the top of my index.php to force WordPress to use single.php for all pages: < ?php if(is_page()){ include('single.php'); exit; } ?> I wanted to be able to use javascript in some of my pages so I added the following to my header.php: <?php if(is_page()){ $j = get_post_meta($post->ID, 'header', true); if($j != ''){ echo $j; } } ?> Now anytime I need special style or javascript code added for a particular page I just add a custom field with the name header.