English Conundrums

April 21, 2007 by aaron
A long time ago I found the following poem, and I believe it is the best indicator that the English language needs to be reworked. The first poem is a modern reincarnation of “The Chaos” (1922) by G. Nolst Trenite, a.k.a. “Charivarius” (1870-1946). The original (which you can read below this one) was a little more Shakespearean. Dearest creature in creation, Study English pronunciation. I will teach you in my verse Sounds like corpse, corps, horse, and worse.
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WordPress How To: Easily make an admin panel for a plugin

April 19, 2007 by aaron
I find the Admin panel the most tedious part of plugin development–even the slightest changes to the plugin requires major changes to the Admin panel, and it can be hard to remember every option you have in your plugin. However by following a few simple rules, your next Admin panel will be a breeze. Once you have the basic parts down, new options are just a cut and past away. One thing to note is that his Admin panel uses a few features that are best if repeated inside your plugin itself.
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WordPress Access Keys Plugin

April 18, 2007 by aaron
The WordPress Access Keys Plugin a allows you to add access keys to pages and categories to improve accessibility of your WordPress website. This works with any page or category list that is called with wp_list pages and wp_list_categories respectively. This plugin works in all WordPRess versions from 2.1 – 2.5. Screenshot of Admin Panel: Demo: The About page on this site has an access key of 6 and the site map has an access key of 3.
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Emergency Update of INAP

April 17, 2007 by aaron
A bug appeared that broke the add comment box if users did not have javascript turned on. INAP version 2.2.1 fixes this. You may download Inline Ajax Page version 2.2.1 here

The Apostrophe

April 16, 2007 by aaron
The apostrophe is one of the easiest punctuation marks to use–assuming that is, that people care enough about their feelings as to not misuse and abuse them. The Basics: The apostrophe has three valid uses: They show possession or ownership John’s apple Class’s books They indicate omitted letters and words. It’s (it is) Ya’ll (You all) They indicate the plurals of numbers, abbreviations, letters and words. 1990’s Ph.D’s f’s Beyond the basics Below are sentences that one may find in normal writing, and not all of the apostrophes are used correctly.
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April 15, 2007 by aaron
On weblogtoolscollection and wp-plugins I gave the wrong links to Inline Ajax Page. Please go to the main page for the updated version.