INAP error that stops comments from being submitted.

April 3, 2007 by aaron
For users that use prototype.js or scriptaculous a small bug (a missing &) keeps users from submitting comments. The main download on [For users that use prototype.js or scriptaculous a small bug (a missing &) keeps users from submitting comments. The main download on]1 has been updated, and the bug fix is shown on the INAP main page.

Basic Strategy and Rules of Sudoku

April 31, 2007 by aaron
Sudoku is a logical symbol placement puzzle which was originally created in the United States in 1979 under the name of “Number Place”; however, it did not gain popularity until 1986 when it caught on in Japan. After 19 years Sudoku spread from Japan to Great Britain, and from there it continued to spread across the rest of the world and into every home though newspapers and the internet. Because of this I doubt anyone reading this has never seen a Sudoku puzzle, but just in case.
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INAP updated to version 2.2.3

April 29, 2007 by aaron
Inline Ajax Page has been updated. This release is primarily a bug-fixing release, but adds a live comment preview and the ability to trim feeds. You may go to the main INAP page for more information. Special thanks goes out to Truden for all of his help hunting down them wascily wabbits…er…bugs. Pun intended.

Improvements for Stattraq plugin.

April 29, 2007 by aaron
Ever since I originally started using Stattraq a few things bothered me about the way it worked. Here are the fixes to a few of them. Include pages with posts in your stats. Open stattraq.php Find: global $doing_rss, $p Replace With: global $doing_rss, $p, $page_id, $pagename, Find: if (($p != &#039;&#039;)){ $p = intval($p); $article_id = $p; } Replace with: if (($p != &#039;&#039;)){ $p = intval($p); $article_id = $p; }elseif (($page_id != &#039;&#039;)){ $page_id = intval($page_id); $article_id = $page_id; }elseif (($pagename != &#039;&#039;)){ $reqpage = get_page_by_path($pagename); if ( !empty($reqpage) ) $article_id = $reqpage->ID; } To add a list of all Pages that link to your site grouped by Website (excluding Google): Open “wp-stattraq/reporter/summary.php” Find: <?php echo PrintTimestamp();?> </div> <div id="queryTerms"> Before Add: <table id="referrersTable"> <thead> <tr> <th>#</th> <th>Referrer</th> <th>Pages</th> </tr> </thead> <tfoot> <tr> <th>#</th> <th>Referrer</th> <th>Pages</th> </tr> </tfoot> <tbody> <?php if($results){ $i=0; foreach($results as $row){ preg_match(&#039;/(http.*?\:\/\/.*?)(\/.*)/&#039;, htmlentities($row->ref), $matches); $ref_array[$matches[1]][] = $matches[2]; } while( list($site, $pages) = @each($ref_array) ){ if(strpos($site,&#039;google&#039;) ==false && $site != &#039;&#039;){?> <tr class="<?php echo ($i % 2 == 0 ?
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Next version of INAP will be released March 29.

April 25, 2007 by aaron
INAP (inline ajax page) will be updated to version 2.2.2 on Thursday, March 29th. Please email all bug reports to “” or post them in one of the official INAP posts/pages. This version is mostly bug fixes, but will include the initial release of the Live Comment Preview feature. In other news, with the release of version 2.2.2 you will be also be able to get the stable versions of INAP from and the bleeding edge from SVN Addendum: Due to my inexperience with SVN the Live Comment Preview went out early for a few lucky individuals.

Calculus Based Physics Formulas: Mechanics

April 23, 2007 by aaron
This is just a basic equation list, explanations can be found elsewhere. For the most part derivations are done for you, but it is beneficial to understand how an equation goes from one form to another. One dimensional Equations of motion (along a single vector direction) Velocity as a function of time : Position as a function of time: Velocity as a function of position: Projectile Motion Horizontal motion Velocity along x: Position from position as a function of time: Max Horizontal dist: Vertical Motion Velocity along y: Position: from position as a function of time Maximum Height: Circular Motion Radial Acc: Tan.
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