Final testing phase for INAP 2.3

April 29, 2007 by aaron
Inline Ajax Page has just entered its final testing phase which means it will be released within the week. Newest features include: Threaded Comments JQuery Support New pagination Engine Fixed most plugin incompatibilities including Lightbox Remember at any time you can try the latest development release by going to trunk.

Flannery O’ Conner’s “A Good Man is Hard to Find”

April 24, 2007 by aaron
In Flannery O’ Connor’s short story “A Good Man is Hard to Find” a typical Georgia family go on vacation to Florida, but are murdered by an escaped convict named “The Misfit. In the following quote the protagonist explains why he calls himself “The Misfit.” Jesus thrown everything off balance. It was the same case with Him as with me except he hadn’t committed any crime and they could prove I committed one because they had the papers on me…of course…they never shown me my papers.
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Remember the Big, Red Button?

April 22, 2007 by aaron
This one here Well someone pushed it, but I swear it wasn’t me. Luckily, I have learned my lessons well and I had a backup only a few hours old. The only things lost were a few hours of comments which I can restore manually. Yay, feeds.

INAP and WordPress 2.2

April 21, 2007 by aaron
I ran some tests on the developmental build of WordPress 2.2 and the developmental version of Inline Ajax Page functions beautifully. I originally planed to release INAP 2.3 (yes, it deserves its own number) the same time WordPress 2.2 came out, but since WordPress 2.2 has been pushed forward INAP 2.3 will probably be released by the end of the month. Some of the newest features include JQuery support, working pagination, and threaded comments.

Spreadsheet to Table Plugin

April 21, 2007 by aaron
This was an extremely quick project to turn spreadsheet data into an XHTML table. The plugin is quite simple to use, just copy some data from a spreadsheet ( or the visible part of an XHTML table) and paste it into a blog post between the tags [table] and [/table] (make sure that columns are tab separated and rows are on their own line). This is a no frills plugin. The first row is used as the column names and is added to a thead tag.
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WordPress Character Map and Unicode Encoder

April 7, 2007 by aaron
WordPress Character Map and Unicode Encoder is a simple to use plugin that adds a character map underneath of your edit post box which provides easy access to all unicode entities. It also allows you to convert all special Unicode characters (anything you wouldn’t see on the average American keyboard) to their respective entities and back again. (This feature can also be downloaded as a separate plugin.) The character map supports all Unicode characters (a few sets have been disabled because of their size) and allows you to set your “favorite” characters which will automatically be displayed underneath the edit box.
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