Can’t connect to local MySQL server through socket…error.

April 21, 2007 by aaron
I recently moved my /home folder to its own partition, but in doing so, I broke MySQL. The full error I got was: Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock' (2) To fix this you need to create the file and make sure that MySQL has access to it. (All commands need to be run as root) Create the directory (if it doesn’t already exist). sudo mkdir /var/run/mysqld/ Create the file by “touching” it.
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Songbird: Firefox-based Media Player

April 17, 2007 by aaron
Please note that this review is based on a much older version of Songbird than the current one. Features and glitches may no longer be applicable. The Songbird media player is a cross-platform media player that is based on the gecko browser engine. Songbird enables you to use add-ons and skins feathers just like you can in your Firefox web browser, and combines the the most useful parts of the browser into a fully-featured music player.
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Where’s INAP 3.0

April 15, 2007 by aaron
INAP 3.0 has been delayed. The project itself is mostly finished, but I am not ready yet to release it because I don’t have the time to support it, and I’d rather not release it than have it languish with bugs. I apologize for the delays, but there is nothing I can do about it.

The rise of deism in western society

April 14, 2007 by aaron
During the Age of Enlightenment, western society examined itself through religious texts; it found that the religious doctrines of the past lacked unchanging principles and most of them hearkened to a more mystical mindset and flew in the face of scientific thinking. For some, this demonstrated that the religious texts themselves were flawed: it was in this mindset that the concepts of deism — a religious belief that if there is a god, he is not involved in the day-to-day affairs of human lives, and any human attempts to create rules and rituals concerning this god are corrupted by human nature — were first accepted as, partially, acceptable in mainstream thought.
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DIY Javascript Effects Library

April 12, 2007 by aaron
As part of a project I needed an extremely light-weight special effects library that would allow queuing of effects (required), multiple effects, the ability to set a per-effect “framerate”, and enough extensibility to fill any need, but it had to be independent of any Javascript library or OS. For the “core”: I needed it to be able to queue effects to run one after another, but still be able to run effects synchronously with their own queues.
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PHP include ladder to find include path.

April 10, 2007 by aaron
I needed a way to be able to include particular files from files that are themselves included. because the working directory was not necessarily the same, so I needed a way to find what the actual include path should be. The following code snippet finds a specific folder or file and returns the ladder (relative path) to get to it. function find_path($loc,$dir=0){ for($i = 0; $i < 10; $i++){ if($dir){ if(is_dir($ladder.$loc)){ return $ladder; break; } }elseif(is_file($ladder.$loc)){ return $ladder; break; } $ladder .=&#039;../&#039;; } } This code is NOT user-input safe: any checks you do should be hard coded otherwise you might as well just give out your passwords.