Changing the hosts file in Vista

April 20, 2008 by aaron
In Vista, normal users are not allowed to save the hosts file, so the easiest way to edit it is to run notepad as an administrator. Go to start and either search for “notepad” or go to All Programs > Accessories Right click “notepad” and select the “Run as Administrator Option.” Once Notepad opens go to File > Open and browse to “C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\etc” Set the file filter to “All Files” Select and Open “hosts” Edit it and save it.
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Organizing WordPress Plugin Bug Reports.

April 18, 2008 by aaron
One of the downsides of having a popular plugin is the amount of support requests, bug reports, and feature suggestions that come in. Well, it’s not that bad, but sometimes it’s difficult to organize what features should be added, what bugs must be tackled first, and what can just be ignored. If you’re one of the few and the proud over at WP Extend Plugins, you have a nice tool at your disposal to keep track of all your plugin related needs.
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Displaying WordPress categories in a horizontal dropdown menu.

April 16, 2008 by aaron
One of my readers recently asked how I created my horizontal menu bar: the short answer is by mixing CSS and Javascript. The first step is to get WordPress to display the menu as a hierarchical list without a title. <?php wp_list_categories('sort_column=name&sort_order=asc&style=list&children=true&hierarchical=true&title_li=0'); ?> We then wrap this WordPress code in the following so we can style it. <div style="text-align:center;"> <ul id="menu" style="padding:0; margin:0;"> <?php wp_list_categories(&#039;sort_column=name&sort_order=asc&style=list&children=true&hierarchical=true&title_li=0&#039;); ?> </ul> </div> I added this to my header.php, but you can add it anywhere you want it to appear.
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The Linux Blogging Vacuum

April 13, 2008 by aaron
I’m considering splitting this blog into multiple blogs, but before I do that I want to find a good desktop blog publishing program to ease the transition on my end.However, I use Linux almost exclusively and from what I’m seeing and reading “good desktop blog publishing” and “Linux” are mutually exclusive. It isn’t often that Linux fails me, but all I can find are complaints about how Linux Blogging Sucks. I have a few more programs to test but for right now I agree.
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Zeitgeist — The Full Movie

April 10, 2008 by aaron
Ever wondered about the great conspiracies of the world? Ever considered that maybe, just maybe, they are all connected? Ever wanted answers? Is Religion a Hoax? Was Bush Responsible? Is the United States a Terrorist Nation? Is the Federal Reserve the New World Order? Zeitgeist — The Movie Find out more about this move at Original Photo Credits: Federal Reserve, The World Trade Center

TED: Think Globally, Act Locally

April 8, 2008 by aaron
I’ve linked to TED for quite a while in my sidebar and I urge everyone to subscribe to TED’s video RSS feed if you are even remotely concerned about the world and people around you. TED talks tends to focus on the grand scheme of things, but this talk by Yossi Vardi talks focuses acutely on the local issues that plague many bloggers. The topic of this talk effects at least 50% of bloggers and all bloggers who care about the future of the world should not only watch this video, but also take immediate action.
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